Wednesday, 30 September 2009

The deception of Jakob Lorber and other Christian mystics

Christian mysticism: seperating truth from lie

Everything these days that is considered supernatural, or that moves away from just focussing on doctrine and rather focussing on a living relationship with God and that has any Christian kind of flavour or that refers to the bible in some way or another, seems to be labelled "christian mysticism" these days.

Now though I believe that a child of God can and are supposed to have real encounters with the living God and that we are supposed to experience Him and walk with Him personally and not aim for some doctrinal and theoretical knowledge about Him only, I know for a fact, that everything that is supernatural, or that propose truth or that propose to be wise and about encountering God personally is NOT always truth.

When a person starts opening yourself up to the spiritual world, without knowing the scriptures and without knowing the power of God (and how it differs from that of Lucifer) you are moving on dangerous ground. The enemy is a deceiving liar, that wants to counterfeit everything God does, twists it, distorts it, and subtely lure people who are hungry for God but short on truth and discernment into an ugly trap of terrible deception.

It is my heart to sound the whistle and to warn God's precious sheep of false prophets and false teachers.

God wants us to have prophecy and fresh revelation from the throne room, He wants us to have dreams and visions from Him, He wants us to speak to us real and personal, He wants us to do music and art for Him, to bring His supernatural healing to the sick, to know His thoughts, to share in Oneness with Him. He wants that. Yes. But the enemy knows that and presents something as a counterfeit, and if you don't know the real thing and if you don't know the scriptures, if you don't know God, and have walked with Him and straight want to go into the deep end of spirituality, o gosh, you are like a fragile sheep walking alone where there are many wolves that want to devour.

Let me be blunt and not beat around the bush. Prophets like Jakob Lorber, Bertha Dudde, Godfried Meyerhofen, Emanuel Swedenborg, Leopold Engel and Jakob Boehme as well as other prophets that was associated to them (that studied their work with an open spirit to learn and get impartation from them to prophecy by the "inner voice"), they are all false prophets! I repeat, they are false prophets.

There are much to say about them and the deception they bring, and I intend to write much more about them and their involvement with freemasonry, the occult, the illuminati and the global oneness initiative of Lucifer.

But let me at the same time give you names of prophets who do flow in the Holy Spirit and which truly gives the Word of God. These would include Jason Westerfield, Ana Mendez Farrell, Ivan & Isabel Allum and many of those associated to them. Now I am not saying that for any prophet we can sit back and not test anymore what they say. We need to always test any word any prophet brings whether it is of God. But these prophets know the living God, whereas the previous group (following Jakob Boehme) does not know the living God, but are doing mere channelling through demonic spirits.

For some more about this, please refer a website that discuss this in much more detail

And for some examples of prophecy from prophets that are not doing occult channelling, but are filled with the Holy Spirit, see new global economy

Jakob Lorber and Emanuel Swedenborg's doctrines

The doctrine that is introduced by "New Revelation" writers are totally contradictory with the core message of Christianity and shows strong resemblance to Hinduism.


Dr. Walter Martin points out some major doctrinal deceptions in Swedenborgianism:
1. The Word of God is challenged and some books are argued not to form part of the original bible.
2. The Trinity of God is challenged.
3. Atonement for sin by the blood of Jesus is not believed on
4. The destiny of man and the path of salvation are totally redefined.

In essence all gnostic mystics and "New Revelationists" who does not hold on to the authority of Scripture as authorative to test all New revelations against will start preaching a "works based" gospel where salvation is earned through performance and will start deviating from grace and the central theme of the bible, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Martin writes (and this would apply to Jakob Lorber and Christian mystics like him as well) "The great tragedy of Emanuel Swedenborg is that he would not submit himself and his great mind to the discipline of the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures. Because of this, and because of his deliberated preoccupation with spiritism and the occult, in direct disobedience to the express teachings of God, he was despoiled, even as Paul had warned. He was deceived by dreams and visions and the machinations of him whom the Scripture describes as the "spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience" (Eph 2:2b)

The Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry confirms this when describing Swedenborgianism as a dangerous mystical non-Christian religion. "Its denial of the Trinity and the Holy Spirit, the vicarious atonement, and rejection of Acts and the Pauline epistles clearly set it outside of Christian orthodoxy".

Lorbers Doctrine in more detail

Lorber's doctrine: salvation

1 A different message of salvation and spiritual rebirth: In chapter 10:17 of the first book of the ''Great Gospel of John'', Lorber explains the gospel of salvation as three steps. Firstly a person needs to master his flesh. Secondly he needs to purify his soul through works of love. Thirdly a person's spirit needs to be awakened from the grave of judgment. These three steps are described as the process of rebirth. In chapter 18:8 the Lord is described to explain to Nicodemus that to be born of water means to be born of humility, and only then by the Spirit of Truth, which is described to be impossible to be received by an impure spirit. This is how entry to the Kingdom of God is described to be made possible. This differs from the biblical message of salvation, as salvation is available to "whosoever believes" in Jesus, no matter how sinful their past, all because of the love and kindness of God. Ephesians 2:8 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God" KJV. Paul speaks a curse over anybody that preaches another gospel (Gal 1:8,9)

In chapter 62 of the first book of the ''Great Gospel of John'', the mission of Jesus on Earth is described as to invite those from darkness to the Kingdom of love (via his message of love). Verse 9 describes that up to date, not one soul could, when she left her body, lose herself from the earth and that countless suffer in the night of the earth. It is described that when Jesus ascends to heaven he would open the heavens and in exactly the same way every person would enter eternal life. It is described that this is the task of universal reconciliation which the Messiah has to accomplish and absolutely nothing else. Jesus came to Earth, according to Lorber's writings, to bring people to the right path, through friendly and loving teaching. ("Great gospel of John V11 188:11). The 'Great Gospel' does not place emphasis on the crucifixion of Christ, nor on the blood of Jesus for the atonement of sin, but emphasizes only the teaching of love and it's adherence by followers as means to salvation. See also Heb 9:13-14 and Acts 2:33. For more about the Paul's Gospel, the gospel of salvation from a Christian perspective, see Paul's Gospel

Throughout the writings, love as a performance works requirement is preached by Lorber, not love as a fruit. (Gal5:22)

Lorber's doctrine : Trinity

2. The Trinity: Lorber does not reveal Jesus as one of three in a holy Trinity. In chapter 197 of the seventh book of the ''Great Gospel of John'' it is described that within his being is two aspects. The one is love and the other is the outpouring of a flame of life. These two is then considered one. Jesus alone is considered God ([Monophysitism). And Jesus is considered to be the Father. This explanation is unscriptural. For more about the Trinity in the bible, refer to: Is the Trinity in the Bible? and for more about how Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit, all share the same throne as One, see "How to Experience the Glory of God, fountain, river,radiance, shekinah glory!" by Barry Hall

Scriptures doesn’t use the word “trinity” anywhere, but the concept are supported in many places in Scripture. For example “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all [2 Corinthians 13:14]” and
“To God’s elect. . .who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood [1 Peter 1:1-2]” Also refer to Romans 15:15,16 Paul states it was God who gave him grace to be a servant of Jesus Christ, to bring the gospel of how the heathen can be justified, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Word that became flesh (John 1:14). Jesus is the brightness of the Father’s glory (Hebrews 1) and the express image of his person.

There is only one Father (Eph 4:6). The Father of Jesus, can become our Father also, through the path Jesus (Yashuwa) opened to us through the cross, by His blood, through which the wall of separation between us and the Father is torn down (Eph 2:13-18). When we become children of God, the Spirit of the Son get’s poured out in our hearts and we also cry out “Abba Father” (Gal 4:6). Through the blood of Jesus we can have confidence to draw near to God the Father (Hebrews 10:19) because Jesus tore the veil through his flesh and made a way for us to enter in.

When Steven saw "into heaven" he saw Jesus, but he did not see the Father in physical form, "But being full of the Holy Spirit, he [Steven] gazed intently into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God" (Acts 7:55). Steven saw Jesus and he saw the glory of the Father. When Steven saw Jesus He was standing—other times He sits down. Concerning Jesus, the Bible also says, "He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high." (Hebrews 1:3b). Here again, that Jesus sat down beside the "Majesty" doesn’t mean the Father has physical form.

Lorber contradicts John 15:26 and Hebrews 1 among many other biblical passages

Lorber's doctrine baptism:

3. Baptism: In chapter 23:6 of the first book of the ''Great Gospel of John'', it is explained that only one thing is necessary, and that is to adhere to the teaching of Jesus. Baptism is described as a type of washing, that has some benefits and it is described that after Jesus’ teaching many went to be baptized by John. Repentance is not a requirement for this type of baptism as is indicated in the Acts church in the biblical account of baptism. For a more detailed discussion on biblical baptism refer to: What Does the Bible Say About Baptism? - see AN OUTLINE OF BIBLICAL BAPTISM

Note : Only three of the doctrines of Lorber is listed here. For a more detailed discussion about this with many other references to doctrine and mind control in Lorber's books please refer to The Tree of Life, the Throne Room, Christian mysticism and the Global Oneness Project

For more about this, see: "The tree of life, the throne room, Christian mysticism and the global oneness drive"


  1. Hello,
    You probably know the following web pages

    I was very happy to found an English page on Swedenborg, Lorber, Lichtkreis Christi Dudde, Engel and Franz Bardon analyzing their correlations. I am the wife of a french lorberian, and I consider this movement as very bad. I would like to know how lorberian groups operate in your country and if they are mediums that deliver messages today in I form such as are found in Germany and Austria.

  2. I for one, do not see the difference between the prophets from today, to the prophets of the past.

    I am I guess, a "Christian Mystic", in the sense that I do follow the work of Franz Bardon and have barely touched upon the work of Jakob Lorber (which is how I found this page :) . I have only God to thank for allowing the works of these people into my hands. If anyone on the path comes across this page after me know that you are not alone.
